Becker-Goering-Str. 17-25
76307 Karlsbad, Germany
Mon to Thu 8 am – 5 pm
Friday 8 am – 3 pm
Sonotrode table
Ultrasonic systems for blisters, trays and cups
With the patented modular sonotrode table, blisters, trays or cups can be sealed and punched in a single step. This eliminates the need for subsequent punching devices and shortens the packaging process.
Since the sonotrodes that transmit the ultrasonic are arranged to form a flat sealing area, the sonotrode table can be used regardless of format. It is sufficient to simply exchange the anvil plate or the parts nest in order to change the packaging format. This results in great flexibility in packaging design.
In the case of format-dependent packaging solutions with ultrasonic, we adapt not only the parts nests to the packaged goods, but also the sonotrodes themselves. Depending on the application, sealing and punching tasks are also combined here.
- Modular system
- Free format design
- Combined sealing and die cutting (cut & seal)
- Lint-free, non-sharp punching edges
- Fast die change
- Long tool life
- Sealing and die cutting quality can be validated
- Welding and sealing of product-wetted films or packaging
- Blister packs, e.g. made of PLA, rPET, A-PET and GAG-PET
- Trays
- Cups
- Ultrasonic
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