Becker-Goering-Str. 17-25
76307 Karlsbad, Germany
Mon to Thu 8 am – 5 pm
Friday 8 am – 3 pm
Specialist for joining injection molded and extruded plastic parts
Joining technology is of particular importance for plastics processing. Depending on the application, we use ultrasonic, infrared, hot plate or hot air technology to join injection molded and extruded plastic parts. We receive tasks from all areas of the plastics processing industries.
Wherever injection molded parts and extruded plastic parts are used, the innovative ultrasonic technology offers absolute process reliability. The constructive design of the parts and the design of the joining zone are particularly important in order to meet the requirements for tightness and strength in the series production process.

What we can do for you
SONOTRONIC supports customers and interested parties by providing sound technical advice on the design of components. In addition, we carry out basic application tests for feasibility, determination of welding parameters, achievable strengths and optimization of the task.
Depending on the task, we determine the appropriate ultrasonic components for your application. These are of course used in our own standard and special machines. But also the efficient integration of ultrasonic tools into new or existing machine concepts is part of our know-how. With our experience in special machine construction and in joining plastics, we also support you with our engineering services in the planning and construction of your systems with our components.