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76307 Karlsbad, Germany

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Corporate Social Responsibility

Environment and sustainability

SONOTRONIC takes its corporate social responsibility seriously. Our business processes are continuously improved with regard to ecological, economic and social sustainability. We have summarized this social responsibility in 2019 with our Code of Conduct. It includes, among other things, the aspects of safety, health, environmental protection, social responsibility, as well as charitable commitment and sponsoring.

CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY (ESG) REPORT: SONOTRONIC drives sustainability forward - together for a greener future in the SGG Group.

Global market orientation and innovative green development are the strategic cornerstones of the Shang Gong Gruppe („SGG“). As part of this strong group of companies, SONOTRONIC GmbH is actively committed to sustainability and supports the SGG Group in implementing forward-looking ESG strategies. With our expertise and innovative strength as a leading manufacturer of machines and systems for “joining” materials, we contribute to offering our global customers and partners sustainable, market-oriented solutions.



SONOTRONIC is a climate-neutral company*

We are aware of our special responsibility as a company towards future generations and have acted accordingly. The climate impact of our company was determined for us by Fokus Zukunft GmbH & Co. KG: Our CO₂ footprint is approximately 1,481 metric tons of CO₂-equivalent pollutants per year. By way of illustration: On average, a person in Germany causes around 11.6 metric tons of CO₂ per year through their lifestyle. 


A success of the emission reductions depends very much on the voluntary and consistent action of the economy in the industrialized countries. Thus, we at SONOTRONIC Nagel GmbH are also prepared to take responsibility for the world we leave to our children and grandchildren.

For this reason, we have had the greenhouse gas emissions caused by our company's activities recorded and offset by purchasing a total of 4,443 climate protection certificates for the years 2022-2024. With these certificates , we are supporting a bioenergy project in China that has been certified by CER (Certified Emission Reductions) under the sovereignty of the United Nations.

At the same time, we are constantly working on implementing measures within the company that contribute to reducing CO₂ emissions. For example, the lighting in the building has already been converted to LED daylight, and the compressed air requirements have been reduced, thus reducing the use of compressors in operations. We have set corporate climate protection targets with a sustainability master plan.

*through compensation with climate protection certificates


GREEN SONICS ist die umweltfreundliche Ultraschall-Technologie von SONOTRONIC

Ultrasonic - the sustainable and future-proof technology

The topic of environmental protection plays a major role at SONOTRONIC: Thus, we implement the environmental certification according to EN ISO 14001 with high commitment in our company. Processing plastics with ultrasonic not only has advantages in the process, but is also significantly more energy-efficient and environmentally friendly compared to processing with other thermal methods. In packaging technology, ultrasonic technology offers resource-saving processes. In addition to the energy savings during the manufacturing process with ultrasonic, it can be further optimized by reducing the amount of packaging materials required and fewer production errors. We are also continuously developing new processes and increasingly using eco-materials in the textile and automotive sectors. In the Environmental Technology business area, we are developing ultrasonic systems to improve biogas production or wastewater treatment. With the SONOTRONIC brand GREEN SONICS, we have combined all the advantages and aspects of sustainability.


Eco Vadis

SONOTRONIC has achieved 56/100 points in the current EcoVadis sustainability rating. In the overall rating, SONOTRONIC is in the top 18% of the companies assessed by EcoVadis in the specialized machinery manufacturing sector. 

EcoVadis Silbermedaille für SONOTRONIC
ecovadis silver medal


Social responsibility


SONOTRONIC's goal is to continuously improve occupational safety. We act in accordance with local and national guidelines and laws regarding health and safety. We offer our employees a healthy and safe working environment and provide them with the necessary protective material (such as safety clothing, protective goggles, hearing protection and protective gloves). In doing so, our employees are responsible for complying with all relevant laws, regulations and guidelines on occupational safety. Our operating equipment, such as machinery and plant, is also equipped with protective devices for health and occupational safety.


sonotronic gesundheitsmassnahmen Blutzuckermessung

In matters of health, SONOTRONIC has entered into a cooperation with the health insurance company BARMER.
Consultation days are held at regular intervals at our company, where BARMER provides information about the benefits of its health insurance and answers questions. 

Since 2018, we have already organized various health days for our employees:

  • Back sports
  • Sun protection
  • Foot pressure measurement
  • Water
  • Fascia roller

Environmental protection

We are aware of our responsibility for environmental protection, sustainability and an environmentally friendly use of natural resources. Therefore, it is our goal to burden the environment as little as possible within the scope of our corporate activities. We comply with the applicable laws, regulations and standards on environmental protection and, in accordance with DIN EN ISO 14001, actively implement our environmental management system in the company and ensure responsible handling of raw materials and resources.

SONOTRONIC Ultraschall Technologie Sondermaschinenbau Hauptsitz Karlsbad-Ittersbach



sonotronic, Spenden, soziale Verantwortung, SOS-Kinderdorf, Weihnachtspäckchen kinderzukunft

Every year, SONOTRONIC supports the youth in regional associations and the SOS Children's Village as well as the Christmas parcel campaign of the Stiftung Kinderzukunft with donations.




SONOTRONIC supports selected social institutions, projects and associations in the region, local sports clubs, sports and cultural events as well as national social foundations. No donations are made to political parties or party-affiliated foundations or institutions. Only the management decides on donations and sponsoring. 

SONOTRONIC has been sponsoring the SV 1899 Langensteinbach sports park since July 2015 until the end of 2023. The associated sponsorship went towards the work of the soccer, handball, athletics, volleyball and gymnastics departments as well as the maintenance of the sports park.

Sonotronic Sportpark SVL Langensteinbach Fussball, Handball, Leichtatletik, Hauptsponsor


Social activities

Sonotronic Firmenlauf B2Run Karlsruhe #teamsonotronic

For our company, economic success and social responsibility in the sense of acting in a socially and ecologically responsible manner are not contradictory. Rather, the interplay of economy, ecology and social responsibility forms the foundation of our sustainable success and leads to healthy and long-term growth. We are also aware of our social responsibility. Social commitment is an important part of our corporate culture.




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