Becker-Goering-Str. 17-25
76307 Karlsbad, Germany
Mon to Thu 8 am – 5 pm
Friday 8 am – 3 pm
iSONIC FLEX – Automated production lines
Flexible and fully automated series production with robot technology
Our future-oriented machine concepts for the assembly and finishing of components such as center consoles, door panels and instrument panels stand for automation at the highest level. Modern manufacturing processes require the integration of upstream and downstream operations such as screwing, clipping, etc. The modular design of these iSONIC FLEX production lines allows the use of different process steps: from assembly to the actual processing of the parts.

The fully automated production lines can be individually equipped with different processing modules. Both product-specific working areas and variable robots are available for the welding of parts. Thanks to a compact and standardized design, the working areas can be interchanged or horizontally synchronized. This makes it possible to process different products on one line. The number of robots can be freely selected according to cycle time requirements. Eight robots are possible per robot module. The parts are transported through the system in product carriers, which are moved by electrically driven roller conveyors. The carriers with parts nest, including sensors, are interchangeable.
Other functions that can be integrated in the automated production line iSONIC FLEX are: Design with base plates for up to four robots per side, interchangeable and retrofittable, automatic transport of parts and tools from below or above possible, interchangeable fixtures including sensors for part variants, automated inspection of welding spots, robot handling with quick-change welding tool, optional xyz-cartesian robot welding, integration of manufacturer tools (e.g. DEPRAG, Atlas Copco, Desoutter), removal handling with or without lift function, tool change carts with magnetic rollers, and many more.
- Ready-to-use concept for various applications
- Modular, dynamically expandable
- Set-box principle
- Open source
- High degree of automation
- Electrical components
- Flexible manufacturing solutions in industrial large format
- Center console
- Door panel
- Instrument panel
- Ultrasonic
- Hot plate
- Hot air
- Infrared
- Mechanical processing
- Combined processes
Flexible machine concepts
Rotary indexing plate machinesVideo
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