Becker-Goering-Str. 17-25
76307 Karlsbad, Germany
Mon to Thu 8 am – 5 pm
Friday 8 am – 3 pm
Ultrasonic technology at wastewater treatment plants
Less residual material with the ultrasonic system BIOSONATOR
Ultrasonic systems from SONOTRONIC are used for sewage sludge disintegration in industrial and municipal sewage treatment plants.
The integration of a high-performance ultrasonic system into existing systems of sewage treatment plants improves the economic efficiency and the result of the sewage treatment plants. By treating sewage sludge with ultrasonic (sewage sludge disintegration), aerobic and anaerobic processes are intensified. This reduces the amount of residual sludge and at the same time produces biogas that can be used to supply energy to the plant.
Advantages for wastewater treatment plants with the use of ultrasonic technology
- Reduction of the digestion time (up to 60 %)
- Reduction of the amount of residual sludge to be disposed of (up to 30 %)
- Increase of biogas production in a wastewater treatment plant (up to 50 %)
- Reduction of costs of a sewage treatment plant in sewage sludge treatment (up to 50 %)
- Elimination of operational problems
- Generation of cavitation in sewage sludge
- Change of biomass structure
- Splitting of organic cells, bacteria and fungi by high shear forces
- Release of cell contents
- Simplification and intensification of digestion
- Control of foaming, bulking and floating sludge by decomposition of filamentous organisms
Good reasons for wastewater treatment plant operators to use the BIOSONATOR high-performance ultrasonic system in the future
- Low turnover rate
- Formation of bulking and floating sludge
- Impairment of plant operation
- Additional deterioration of the digestion result
- High amount of residual sludge despite large digestion systems
- Formation of biosolids (sewage sludge) during mechanical-biological treatment of municipal and commercial wastewater
- No direct recycling or environmentally friendly disposal of the sewage sludge possible
- Digestion of the sewage sludge in digestion tanks
- Partial decomposition of the organic components
- Use of the resulting biogas to supply the energy needs of the sewage treatment plant
- Reduction of the sludge mass to be disposed of
- Reduction of germs in the wastewater
How are the high-performance ultrasonic systems integrated at municipal and industrial wastewater treatment plants?
The integration of SONOTRONIC ultrasonic systems into municipal and industrial wastewater treatment plants is very simple. The standard ultrasonic system (connecting load 5 kW) is very compact with a base area of 1.45 m x 0.25 m and thus requires very little space.
On site, only inlet and outlet connections as well as a power and water connection are required. The ultrasonic systems themselves are usually in operation for 24 hours.
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