Becker-Goering-Str. 17-25
76307 Karlsbad, Germany

Mon to Thu 8 am – 5 pm
Friday 8 am – 3 pm

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Campaign Week "alcohol"

Under the motto "Alcohol? Less is better!", SONOTRONIC participated in the nationwide campaign week on the subject of alcohol with various activities. In the prevention campaign, volunteers and companies, among others, provided information about alcohol and its dangers and thus want to encourage people to reconsider their own alcohol consumption, to deal with the topic sensitively and to recognize signs among family and friends or colleagues at an early stage.

Eine Rauschbrille simuliert den Einfluss von Trunkenheit auf die eigenen Sinne
Intoxication goggles can be used to simulate the influence of drunkenness on one's own senses.

This year's campaign week focused on the motto "No alcohol in the workplace". For this reason, SONOTRONIC set out to raise awareness within the company by addressing this supposedly taboo subject quite openly. Through various actions on four days, education and sensitization with regard to the handling of alcohol was carried out. Among other things, intoxication goggles were used to simulate the influence of drunkenness on one's own senses.

Slogan "Alkohol" Weniger ist Besser!" für die Aktionswoche Alkohol bei Sonotronic
Azubis bei der Aktionswoche Alkohol bei Sonotronic